Thursday, August 16, 2012


Luis Jimenez is the artist of this piece, called Black Jack. The medium this artist uses is casting. Casting is a process in which you pour molten material into a mold of the sculptures impression.  It is usually a bronze. Jimenez is known for southwestern and Hispanic themed fiberglass sculptures. This could be due to the fact the artist was born in El Paso Texas and died in New Mexico.  Both cultures were the content of many works.  


The name of this piece is called Mirror Shadow VIII. Louise Nevelson is the artist of this work.  The medium being used is wood.  The artist uses assemblage. Assemblage is when numerous and different elements and objects are combined.  This is an additive sculpture process, unlike carving.   Nevelson worked as an assistant of Diego Rivera.  This helped her realize her niche.


Michelangelo is the artist of this piece.  The name of this piece is Rebellious Slave. The medium being used is carving.  Carving is when something being carved is chipped away from a raw block of material, usually wooden or stone. This is a subtractive sculpture process.  This artist created many famous sculptures during his lifetime. 


Nam June Paik is the artist of this work.  The name of this piece is Elephant Gate. The medium this artist used is film.  Video is cheaper and faster than video.  The artist was one of the first to purchase a Portapak.  The works were referred to as “altered TV’s.” Sayre says these were created by “displayed images altered by magnets, combined with video feedback and other technologies that produces shifted patterns of shapes and color." 

Staged Photography

The name of this piece is untitled. The artist who created this is Cindy Sherman.  The medium this artist used was staged photography.  The artist used staged photography.  Staged photography is setting up to create or capture something that is not usually possible to capture in real life.  This artist is also a feminist and represents women in society in many of her photos. She’s sold some of the most expensive photographs ever.

Portrait Photography

The name of this work is Mike Cloud.  The artist of this piece is Annie Liebovitz.  The medium this artist used is portrait photography.  Portrait photography is the expression or personality of a person or persons the artist chooses to display through photography. Liebovitz was a photographer for Rolling Stone in 1970.  Sayre states the artist had the ability to “capture something of the spirit of celebrity – tension between the public face of stardom and the private person behind the mask.”  The artist was a feminist and loved to shock people with her photos. She was known for her brilliant and luminous use of color, as well content by shocking people with female sexuality. 

Saturday, August 11, 2012


This work is by artist, Kathe Kollwitz. The medium used is woodcut.  Woodcut is a process done, by an artist carving a wooden block, cutting away the pieces that they do not want to print.  The design looks raised. Many of Kollwitz works show a sad woman, or mother and child. He works are sad and dark. The artist lost her son in the beginning of World War I.  This may be the way the artist was feeling while she was mourning her son.